
The user avatar, can use pictures or text and color backgrounds.

  <b-avatar img="/user.svg" />

<!-- b-avatar.vue -->

Multiple avatar size

Via the size prop to set avatar width and height. If no size is specified 2.5rem will be used.

  <b-avatar img="/user.svg" size="1.5rem" />
  <b-avatar img="/user.svg" />
  <b-avatar img="/user.svg" size="4rem" />
  <b-avatar size="1.5rem">A</b-avatar>
  <b-avatar size="4rem">A</b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-size.vue -->

Font size

Via the font-size prop to set avatar font size. If no font size is specified, the avatar size / 2 will be used.

  <b-avatar font-size="0.5rem">A</b-avatar>
  <b-avatar font-size="1.75rem">A</b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-font-size.vue -->

Avatar contextual variations

Add any of the following variants via the variant prop to change the appearance of a <b-avatar>: primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, and dark. If no variant is specified secondary will be used.

  <b-avatar variant="primary">A</b-avatar>
  <b-avatar variant="secondary">A</b-avatar>
  <b-avatar variant="success">A</b-avatar>
  <b-avatar variant="danger">A</b-avatar>
  <b-avatar variant="warning">A</b-avatar>
  <b-avatar variant="info">A</b-avatar>
  <b-avatar variant="light">A</b-avatar>
  <b-avatar variant="dark">A</b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-variations.vue -->

Round and Square avatar

Via the rounded prop to set avatar round angle, or via the square prop to set square avatar.

  <b-avatar rounded>R</b-avatar>
  <b-avatar square>N</b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-rounded-square.vue -->

Component reference



PropertyTypeDefault Value
img String
size String
font-size String
tag Stringspan
variant Stringsecondary
rounded Booleanfalse
square Booleanfalse

Importing individual components

ComponentImport Path


import BAvatar from 'bootstrap-vue-arsenic/es/components/avatar/avatar'
Vue.component('b-avatar', BAvatar)

Importing as a Vue.js plugin

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components . Plugins also include any component aliases.

import Avatar from 'bootstrap-vue-arsenic/es/components/avatar'